A roman guy walks into a bar, raises 2 fingers and says, ” Can I have 5 beers please ? \ Bill Gates walks into a bar and everyone inside becomes a millionaire, on average. And now for our featur...
Bourbon was foreign to me until my first night in residence during university. One of my floor mates, who I would quickly learn was an alcoholic at a tender age, had packed a case of Jim Beam when he ...
Too often judgement calls must be made when a customer walks into the bar. Before pouring a pint, building a cocktail, or pulling the tab on can of cheap beer the bartender must try and know his cus...
A guy walks into a bar, orders a drink and stares at if for half an hour. The guy next to him. A burly, tattoed giant of man grabs the drink fro him and gulps it down slamming the glass down on the ...
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead went into a bar and asked the bartender: Brunette: “I’ll have a B and C.” Bartender:“What is a B and C?”. Brunette: “Bourbon and Coke.” Redhead:...
Life gives and gives and sometimes we have to take notice and give thanks. I must give thanks to the guy last night in the “suped-up” mustang with the German flags on both windows who had ...
A gorilla walks into a bar and says, “A scotch on the rocks, please.” The gorilla hands the bartender a $10 bill. The bartender thinks to himself, “This gorilla doesn’t know th...
A man walks into a a bar, drinks a couple of beers, and prepares to leave. The bartender tells him he owes $8. “But I already paid you. Don’t you remember?” says the customer. “...
Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux and Steve Yzerman all die and meet in heaven. God is sitting in his chair waiting for them. God says to the three legends, gentleman before I let you in, you must t...
A drunk stammers out of a bar and runs into two priests. He runs up to them and says, Im Jesus Christ. The first priest says, No, son, Im Jesus Christ. So the drunk says it to the second priest. The s...