Grateful for the Lessons of the Past

My oldest regular patron is in his 90th year.  Recently he returned to Europe to celebrate the liberation of the Netherlands during WWII and to visit Vimy Ridge in France where Canadian’s became aware of their Canadianism back in WWI.  I listen attentively to this patron during his weekly visit along with his crew.  He has 90 years under his belt of experience and talks of life back in the day like it was yesterday.  His experience cannot be read online or in any book.  The fabric of one’s life is woven by fine threads over a long time.

The other night this patron spoke fondly of his recent jump across the pond.  I asked if the youth were involved in the commemoration exercises and he voiced that not only were they a part of the events but that they were genuinely thankful and involved.  Later on during the evening I asked three different groups if they knew what Vimy Ridge was?  I asked eleven and one of the bunch knew it was some battle during one of the wars.

It is too too sad that this generation of youth has not been taught about the sacrifices of previous generations to preserve our liberty and rights.  I could hazard a pessimistic guess and contend their ignorance of things like t he Middle East, the Cold War, and he Charter of  Rights and freedoms.  Our ever too hectic world has gotten us away from the triviality of our own national history. 


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