The government sells us liquor. We sell the liquor to our clientele and remit to the government their grand share of the revenue through taxes. The government sets limits on the degree of intoxication tolerable on our roads. The same government wants us to monitor consumption to prevent over drinking. Now we are being judges of others behavior. So now we are. . extended nannies for the government and are paying for the privilege of being so. Who am I to decide how much is enough for a patron inibing at my establishment. One may have three beers while another considerably more. How can I make judgment calls? Why must I ask a customer if they intend to drive home? Yes I know it’s for the public good. The same public good funded by tax dollars collected from the sale of alcohol. You leave home a responsible adult and somehow you become transformed into a less than responsible individual and some of the liability for your actions falls into the hands of those you would have serve you the alcohol. So the government would have the bar industry be both the victimizer and the nanny. Feed the masses the alcohol but you become the nanny; and make sure to pay your taxes.