Life in Moderation


1796414_259805044183648_1004084353_nEverything in moderation, comes from ancient Greece and the time of Aristotle.  The sage of antiquity posited that finding a balance between excess and deficiency was the best course to take in life.  He was not espousing in any way that a little vice was acceptable but rather that in life lived in extremes was not the best course.

I try to use this dictum in making food choices.  Occasionally, I choose to indulge in what would make many ill because the taste fusion is to rich to pass on. I often eat based on how something looks. This morning I came across the image above.  My first reaction, OMG.  Then I calmed down and analyzed the contents.  This is a cardiologists nightmare.  So now I must have one.

My friends at Big Boys Burgers in Scarborough create these dishes just to force my periodic indulgence.  I can’t wait to try this.



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