The Caker and His Woodchipper

A good customer of mine who has managed thru sheer force of personality to make it in with crowd we have nicknamed the Caker. He is by virtue of his birth a purebred, Canadian, right-wing, beer slinging, my way or the highway, blue jeans, jean jacket, plaid shirt wearing, son of the Rock (Newfoundland), oblivious to most of the real world down to Earth interesting guy. He takes pleasure in dishing it out and getting his due back. There is not a lot of grey in the Caker’s world and so he is quick toss aside issues into the woodchipper and instantly dispose of them.

The Caker enjoys research – he was probably a librarian in a former life. He has to know the answer to all questions and unlike many who cross his path cannot accept some things are what they are. He is witty, and sardonic bordering on cynical but that is part of his utter charm. I write this blog post because he wanted to be mentioned and so I am mentioning him. For any ladies reading he is a catch – sorry Caker.

The Caker and his Woodchipper are a great analogy for life. Dispose of the trash and move on. Grind your problems to oblivion and make room for things of substance. The Caker lives in the world of facts and seems to leave fiction aside. His passion is for the here and now. Forget tomorrow. Tomorrow is a different bus out-of-town. He lives for the simplicity of some food, some pints and a game of golf to satiate the soul.

I look forward to hitting the links with the Caker and the crew for some interesting games of golf.

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