I have stopped counting days.   It’s irrelevant.   I am committed, or should be she that likes my lenten  cuisine, and so the day count is out.  Next Sunday, the 15th of April, I will celebrate Easter Sunday with my family and break my fast.  A friend asked me yesterday what I would do after my 40 days and I responded that I would return to some bad habits having learned a lot – Montanas beware – All You Can Eat Ribs may never be the same.

As I have mentioned previously, dieting/fasting/abstaining required a degree of creativity when trying to cook.  Today for sprunch, I sauteed some cremini mushrooms in in olive oil and enough garlic to kill a family of vampires.  I then did a quick stirfry adding some almonds, pumpkin seeds and cashews.  I used shiritaki tofu noodles (which are beyond great when cooked properly) as a base for the stirfry and a meal was on.  For she that is not fasting in case I collapse from hunger and need to be rushed to hospital, I added some garlic-lemon chicken that recieved at least to wows in her critique.  My point is that we get lazy when we cook easy things.  Complexity, curiousity and creativity can conquer most obstacles and easting wisely requires these three ingredients in order to bring recipes to the table.

I am using a fat free whey protein in the morning to keep my protein levels up.  Two scoops of tasteless powder turn into a gourmet shake when mixed with unsweetened almond milk, fat free pumpkin spice and cinnamon.  I am enjoying the morning ritual of blending my protein smoothie before I leave the house.


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